Sunja's Space:
~August 2, 2010
Scog is going on an undefined hiatus.
Here we go...a rather lengthy explanation. The following is all coming from the heart, and while embarrassing...it is something I should explain to everyone still reading Scog.
Over the past few days I had a rather startling revelation while praying: the only reason I've been continuing Scog has been for purely selfish reasons. Scog has become a webcomic done out of spite, meant to prove that I am better than everyone else--and meant to hurt Rask by taking characters that were once ours and keeping them all for myself.
Admittedly, Rask gave up her right to work on the webcomic when she quit this last winter. I was very angry that she left, and while I feel continuing the webcomic for the sake of the story might have been okay, I continued it as a form of revenge.
That is NOT okay.
And so, over the past few days I've been debating what I should do. Should I quit? Most of the love I had for this webcomic has long died--mostly due to the selfishness of it. It is hard to truly love something that is at its core evil...and hard to claim it as mine when it is so obviouisly not.
Should I continue Scog, but rethink my reasons for continuing, taking on a healthier philosophy? Well, is that really fixing the problem? Can I ever really give it up for my selfish reasons? Won't I still want to be better than everyone else, scheming ways to get more page views every Monday? I'm not sure. I feel like I am not an evil person, but I can indeed be a selfish one...though the thought that I've been doing anything with the intention of hurting someone makes me sick. Still, Scog is a creation that was started eight years ago, and for the story to just end...it would be a shame.
So, what to do? I talked to a very good friend of mine about it, finally. She talked me into putting Scog on a hiatus and putting some distance between it and myself for a while. Scog has turned into something that stresses me out beyond having fun anymore, and I need to evaluate my real feelings toward Scog's story. That is something I can't do while I am stressing to get a page up every Monday.
Scog will be going on an undefined haitus until I have things figured out. If and when I come back things will change. For now I can't really give you a time frame...and simply hope that you may return every once in a while to check for a new page, though I admit it will probably not be for a while. In the meantime, if you would like to be put onto a list of people that I should contact when the time comes, please email me at:
I would be happy to keep you updated.
Thank you so much for your understanding. If you have any questions you can still post them on our shout box or on the forums. This website will still remain...so no worries on that.