Sunja's Space:

~August 17, 2009

Good morning! Boy, it sure does feel good to be posting again...and so I am especially happy to present to all of you: CHAPTER TWO! Page 27.

This was one of the pages that we completed back in January in our "Twelve-Page-Plan-Before-Japan," which was never actually seen to full light.

We got about one or two done before I was off to Japan for the semester...but in any case, I am rather fond of this one, in particular.

I was having fun with new Photoshop techniques, and snow is a rather fun element to include (not to mention a full-out storm!). I couldn't believe my luck when I found a special effect brush that imitated cold breath.

As for the rest of the website...Rask and I have added a few new pages for your enjoyment. Most noticeable are the Character Pages.

Rask's Blog

~August 17, 2009


As you may have noticed, there's a new page. EXCITEMENT. I think we're both proud of this one-- be sure to check in Thursday for the next one. :) Regular update schedule, here we come!

I don't have anything to say that Sunja didn't, so I'm going to ramble at you all instead. A random fact about me is that I like German-- I took it for 3 years in high school, and a semester of it in college. And while much of my German-speaking prowess has undoubtedly diminished (and apologies for any horribly mangled German in this post, by the way), I still try to keep it somewhat sharp by speaking it randomly and listening to what German music (MUSIK) that I can get my hands on. That is, Rammstein, and E Nomine.

You've probably heard of Rammstein, for that Du Hast song, or perhaps for their insane stage preformances that more often than not involve an excessive amount of fire. But E Nomine seems to be less known, and for that reason I am going to ENLIGHTEN YOU TO THE GREATNESS. They're a mixture of techno and rock, and use Latin as well as German in their songs. I recently purchased one of their CD's, Finsternis, from the glory that is Amazon, UND ICH BIN SEHR FROH MIT ES. My happiness was doubled by the fact that the CD was actually sent from Berlin, Germany. If that's not super spiff I don't know what is.

If that doesn't rock your boat, I will have you know that I listened to E Nomine recently while working on a few of the pages for this comic. Therefore this comic has been touched by this greatness, and DU SOLLST AUCH-- I mean, so should you. C-c-check it. Wolfen- Das Tier in Mir is one of my favorites. I'll be so kind as to link you to the video that has an English translation-- aren't I awesome? ACH JA ICH BIN AM BESTEN

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